When the workload is on, then you have to be on. Chocolate is the best and what I fed to Grant Dempsey (4Networking MD) the other night for our webinar. Chocolate solves many problems!
Yes, you got me – in a good way, I am rushed off my feet and I am being SQUEEZED! It’s been like this for a few weeks now and I am certainly not complaining (as being busy and in demand is awesome) however it can be hard work keeping up with multiple projects on the go.
Being that I am in the thick of it and working my butt off to keep up the quality and the workload, I figured this is the perfect time for a “Raw & Real” blog post on this compelling topic I say. Not being busy is a massive issue and being too busy can be an issue – but as reality kicks in, sometimes we are lucky to have heaps of projects on at once.
I have just almost got over the peak workload and here are my own personal tips to handle the heavy work pressure when it’s on:
1) Lots of Chocolate: Yes you heard me. Chocolate! Why? Don’t do it forever of course but in the short term it takes great, keeps you buzzing and happy. Short-Term!
2) Rest when you can: As a Small Business Owner I work my own hours, so at times I may be able to rest for say 30 – 45 minutes. Doesn’t sound like much, but can be a bit of a boost.
3) NO ALCOHOL: When you are trying to work to your peak, no drinking! In many cases it can put one to sleep and really slow down efficiency and quality. Drink when it’s all over.
4) Exercise: I am still going to the gym several times a week and regular walks, don’t cut this one, it’s not good!
5) Workflow Scheduling: As best as you can, don’t try and do everything at once. If you can put a job to a week later then great, if it’s urgent – well do it!
6) It’s not a problem: I have been homeless before, sick and unemployed for quite a while. I love being busy in contrast!!
7) Watch out for sickness: If you start getting run-down, watch out! My view is get through the workload as quick as you can and then relax!
8) Cut stuff you don’t need: If you are in projects that aren’t working out for you (such as I got out of a few lately) or there are events you don’t have to go too, then don’t! Do your work and catch up.
9) Don’t let people mess you around: Beyond your peak work period, I have learnt not to let people mess me around anymore. If someone wants to take advantage of me – NO!
10) Pump out the quality: Get to it, smile and love it!
I trust my 10 x Tips help and if anything, this has been the ironic mindset in which I have written this blog. I love it and wanted to pump out fine quality and hope it helps you.
And of course speaking of quality, make sure you check out my Online Educational Course “The Awesome Marketing Vault”, top Sales & Marketing knowledge for instant access right here!
Thank you from Edward Zia – The Happily Overworked Marketing Mentor x x
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