4Networking Australia is one amazing business community that helped once start-ups like change our lives and established business owners one powerhouse Marketing Plaftorm!
4Networking Australia is one powerhouse Networking Group which means a great deal to me and has been a massive part of the transformation of my life. As I write this content, I am 35 years old and when I was 29 I got totally washed up after the Global Financial Crisis.
From going to 6 figure incomes in my 20’s to being financially destitute and losing almost everything (kept my health thank god) I came to Sydney to start my life again. I used to be a Senior Marketing Manager in my old life and in the post GFC landscape, those jobs just didn’t exist anymore. If they did, it would be by someone hanging onto it and if it did become available good luck in going up against 300+ candidates for it!
I had some really bad $15 / Hour jobs to keep me going during those tough times and I was up against long-term unemployment. Very hard for most – especially being a work proud Persian Man!
I eventually got some quite lower end Marketing Manager jobs which paid almost 1/2 of what I used too in the old work. As it went from an Employee to an Employers market – the rights and fun I had just weren’t there anymore.
So this started my journey of self-discovery and turning my life around. I knew becoming an Entrepreneur was the only way I can rebuild my life. I joined a few Networking Groups which churned me and I was very lucky to meet this man by the name of “Grant Dempsey”. It would have been 2011 when he was bringing out 4Networking to Australia.
I was on the edge and this was pretty much my last stand in life so I jumped in and joined 4Networking from the ground up and started as a volunteer helping out. As I look back, meeting Grant Dempsey was that break I needed. Basically from that point onwards my life turned around – slowly each day I got better. Slowly I got healthier again, increased my funding and rebuilt myself in a very different and far more powerful version of my Non-Corporate Self.
This was one of those great moments that changed my life for the better and today it’s a rocking and vibrant business community full of Small Business Owners and Entrepreneurs helping each other out.
2 Responses
Wow you have some fantastic looking people in that group!!
I couldn’t agree more Emma! Just totally amazing and brilliant people – I think they are wonderful and I am sure you do too!