A crop of my latest Facebook Advertisement created tonight. Wish me luck now and enjoy my insights!
OH MY CAWD! It’s been a massively busy last 2 weeks for me. Besides working with some totally awesome people, I have been on Facebook to the crazy extreme!
In my own business, I am busy growing and upscaling. For me, it’s been figuring out how to help more people, charge as little as possible, deliver more and do it with as much Automation and Leverage I can muster.
Facebook over the past 2 – 3 years has been wonderful for my business. It’s helped me get massive exposure, meet lots of great people that have turned into clients and it’s also been a gradually unfolding mystery to me.
From experimenting with Boosted Posts, Videos, Graphics, Wording, Target Markets, Reading Data – I have been all over it and over time with haze is lifting and I have been getting extra clear or what works, what doesn’t and how to build a compelling campaign.
If I summarize some of my key Facebook Learnings so far – the boil down into this:
1) Tight Messaging: You have to really put out content that speaks to the motive of what people are after. Simple words, solve the problem and offer a great product.
2) Time for Awareness: You usually don’t get results right away, it takes a good 1 – 2 months of heavy advertising to build up awareness and get people interested.
3) Market to the Right Audience: Really focus your message to the right people!
4) Video for Awareness: I have found that Video is great! Not so much for sign ups – but for awareness. It’s great at getting people aware of a point.
5) Direct Links for Call to Action: Nothing beats setting up an advertisement and sending it to a Website or the like.
6) Repetition: People don’t usually visit an ad once and take action. They have to see it multiple times.
7) Read the Data! It comes down to response and sales.
Overall, Facebook Marketing for me has been awesome, but OH BOY it’s kept me busy. Slowly I am getting there! LOL
Stay Tuned Awesome Friends, Check Out my Awesome Marketing Vault & love your work!
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