I have been very lucky to work with some cool people from the Northern Sydney Institute, Felicity Mar, David Bartolo and Dr. Sarah McKay – more to come and stay tuned!
Public Speaking is a total artform. Done well, it’s a very profitable way of building influence, results and of course Sales if it suits your application.
I have had the luck of a cat lately in terms of picking up great new clients and working on some really amazing projects. One of them been has been doing “Public Speaking Mentoring” for speakers at the #TEDxNorthernSydneyInstitute.
If you have watched some of the many TEDx inspirational talks on YouTube or Facebook – they are a “Non-For-Profit” organization with the motto “Ideas worth spreading”.
The Northern Sydney Institute (part of TAFE NSW) have entered into this cool program and have put together a speaking day. I have run workshops for them previously and when they were after a Public Speaking Mentor – they gave me a call. There is still more to go and already helping them has been a positively life changing experience.
In this scenario, speakers are aiming to present presentations for about 13 minutes.
This is not long at all and already, there have been common strengths & areas for improvement I have picked up. In the spirit of my own blog, I have formed these into 7 x Key Tips and trust you enjoy:
1) Grab the Audience: When you start a presentation, the first thing is to get the audience to tune into you. There are many different ways – it can be thanking the audience, asking them a question, or even using a funny pitch in your voice. Get their attention!
2) Frame What You Are Saying: It can be very easy to listen to someone speaking and have no idea where they are going until say the last 20% of it. It’s great to spell out at the start what you are talking about, so people get the story line and context.
3) Everyday Language Not Technical / Academic Language: Unless of course you are presenting to a technical audience! Make sure you speak in a way that people understand. Keep it simple.
4) Make it Compelling Television: Without obviously turning it into a Reality TV Show and hitting someone over the head with a chair to get ratings up – you got to make your topic interesting, sexy and worthwhile listening too. Great to think of compelling ways of making this all happen!
5) Have a Plan of what you are going to say: Really think through your style and the outcome of the presentation. Is it to inspire? Is it to inform? Is it to change? Is it to sell? Great to think through and make sure the presentation all leads that way.
6) Body Language & Voice: Great open body language and really connect with the audience! Super important on this one. Stay open and compelling.
7) A Strong Emotive Close: I noticed many people tend to have trouble with the ending. I think a great wrap up of what you spoke about is great and (if appropriate) even invite them to take further action.
My advice and learnings? Public Speaking is a 100% Pure Artform and everyone has their own unique style and expression. Even though I am an accomplished speaker these days – I am forever questioning my own approach and trying my best to make it as better as I can!
Love your work, thank you for the read and thank you again to the Northern Sydney Institute. Can’t wait till #TEDxNorthernSydneyInstitute 2015!
About the Author:
Edward Zia is a Marketing Mentor & Commentator who loves helping Small Business Owners totally Master their Sales & Marketing! Over the years of being lucky to be a leader in the 4Networking Australia Business Community as well – it’s given him a great opportunity to work on his public speaking from the ground up and also learn Sales & Marketing on a Street Level.
If you like what you see, check out his Online Course “The Awesome Marketing Vault” >> Right Here!
2 Responses
Awesome tips Edward.
Thank you so much!
Love your work Awesome Alfred! Keep it up 🙂