Public Speaking is one of those areas that I have found over the years that most people just “Don’t Like”. Even when I started my business, I WAS TOTALLY TERRIFIED of it and I wasn’t very good at it.
I did realize at the time when I started my business that I better find a way to really like it and love it. The simple reason being is that it’s a VERY PROFITABLE AND IMPORTANT skill to have so I put my back into it, made myself do it and got to the point where I am considered a great public speaker and people hire me at times to teach them all about it.
My point being isn’t that I am wonderful or anything like that, it’s that anyone (quiet or loud) can learn how to do this in their own way. Like any skill, you only get good by doing it all the time and for me over the years, I have had many great opportunities to polish this skill. I think it’s one of those “Life Long” type of skills. You get good at it once, you are good at it for life.
I get asked quite often, “Edward – I have a 10 minute presentation coming soon and I need some tips on where to start and how to go about it!”.
To help awesome people get started in this area, here are some very simple tips to kick off the process for best results – learned by me personally in hundreds and hundreds of presentations:
1) The Objective: It’s really important to know the purpose of the presentation so you meet the needs of the audience. What problem do they have that your product solves? What kind of valuable information do you have that you can pass onto them?
2) Your Technology: Do you have PowerPoint? Are you on your feet? How does this work and impact you?
3) Your Giveaways: Handouts, Prizes and Offering to do business always does great in Public Speaking. People love having something in their hand, giving away a lucky door prize creates interest and it’s always good to invite people to do business with you.
4) Your Structure: It’s great to introduce yourself, explain why you are there, talk about the point, deliver the information and close with fun compelling style.
5) Be Compelling: Make sure you do peak the interest of your audience. Be it conservative engineers or extraverted startups, you got to grab people and make them love to be there.
6) Engage Everyone: It’s great to really cover the room, have a range of content to hit the Visual People, Word People and Process People.
7) Feel the Audience & DO IT: You got to “Feel” the audience and keep them happy. Go for it and go hard!
There is way more to this of course, so if you need a hand please just drop me a line and love to help. Make it brilliant, awesome and fully workable and get to it. Like driving a car for the first time, once you learn the principles you have to get behind the wheel….
Love your work and thank you for taking the time to read this! Edward Zia – Marketing Mentor, Public Speaker and Crazy Persian!
** This article is dedicated to an Awesome, Intelligent and Ethical Operator that maybe Steve Reynolds from “The Australian Drug Detection Agency”. Best of luck big man! **
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