Building a Success Business is great and as you get bigger – Automation becomes even more important (Thank you Vault Boy & Fallout for the Image use!)
A massive question I am asking myself everyday at my stage of business is:
“How to I Give More, Earn More & do it With Less Work & More Ease?”
It’s been quite an inspiring thought in many respects as already say compared to 1 – 2 years ago, I am giving probably double the value to my clients (at least), working less hours and earning more money.
I think many of the reasons for this has been streamlining my business, getting better / faster at what I do, having a stronger reputation (as people just tend to listen to you more) and having great Online Product Options as well as doing workshops and the like.
Every business type is different, however they have tons of similarities as well and as you get bigger, get more clients that you can handle – these are some common Approaches myself & many of my clients have used:
1) Increase Pricing: A lot of businesses look good – but don’t actually make much money simply because they aren’t charging enough. As you get better clients, a better reputation and the like – fairly increase your prices.
2) Use Online Marketing & Social Media: I get lots of clients these days from my Email Marketing Database, Facebook & LinkedIn. Getting these tools going is great – it saves less “Real World Time” to market.
3) Delegate / Outsource / Staff: It may be the time to do this! Full time staff doesn’t suit everyone, however there are great options with Outsourcing to look into.
4) Build Referral Networks: Having say 10 x Great Channel Partners looking out to find you work is a great thing. You give them clients, you get clients and it just takes all the stress away from having to find them yourself.
5) Content, Videos & Training: If you are say teaching people that same thing over and over again, doing Online Products or the like – “Training Videos” can be a great thing. If you say have to have a 30 minute conversation with every new client – can you send them a Video to watch? It may do say two thirds of the job, making your work faster.
6) Packages: Packages don’t suit everyone, but can be very good for different types of applications. I have found that people often aren’t phased as long as you deliver the goods.
7) Forever Improve your Products & Services: This is really an important one in many respects in that if you are giving more / faster – you can charge more. If you are a Consultant type of character, forever invest in your products / services. If you are selling a physical product – make it better.
I trust that help you Awesome Friends and as a wrap too – always be thinking how you can make your business better. Be it you are starting out or going for a while – there is always work to do “ON” the business and not “IN” it.
Love your work, thanks for the read and if you enjoy my thoughts check out my Online Community >> “The Awesome Marketing Vault By Edward Zia” – Yay!
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