Proves that less is more!
When you run a Small Business & you are one happening Entrepreneur – be it you have staff or not, “Wording, Wording, Wording” and “Writing, Writing, Writing” are very important things you have to do.
One strange thing I have found over the years (even me when I started out) is that many struggle with words and it’s often one of those areas that are quite overlooked. Even though I have been in business for 3 to 4 years now (and in Marketing since I was 20 years old), probably over the last year my writing has really come strong.
One reason for that is I am simply doing it everyday. Be it client jobs coming in, my own blog (such as what you are reading here) and in particular Facebook Posts. With say Posting on Facebook, you really learn quickly whether your writing is good or not.
The simple reason – if you do a poor job, NOBODY CLICKS IT! That is an obvious big problem and to help you kick butt yourself, I wanted to give you my 7 Top Tips in this area:
1. Use Power Words: This means using highly emotive words to get across a given point. Key words like NOW, FREE, PROFIT, MONEY, SEXY, ATTRACTIVE, BEAUTIFUL, TERRIBLE, AWFUL, GENEROUS, GIFT, KISSING, ROMANTIC etc really grab attention. You will notice on my heading I have done that.
2. Be Very Emotive: You got to be as emotive with your writing so it’s interesting. For example, let’s say I am writing a Linked Profile for a client and I say “Tony is a Bookkeeper based in the Sutherland Shire and he can help with your needs”. A much better way of saying the same thing “Tony has 10+ years of Bookkeeping Experience and is based in Sutherland Shire serving clients all over Australia”. See – much more interesting.
3. Be Compelling: I do this by always trying to think “If I was buying, what would I like to see?”. Say in selling my Premium Online Community The Awesome Marketing Vault by Edward Zia – I would say something like, “Learn Top Proven Marketing Strategies to Get You More HIGH VALUE Clients”.
4. Keep it Short: I have always found that when you say too much – you just get less interest. Keep it as short and compelling as you can as much as you can!
5. Get Some Objective Feedback: Get someone who is NOT from your industry to read it. The reason I say this is that if someone is from your industry, they can be a bit too technical. You really want more accurate opinions of your potential clients!
6. Write All the Time: Keep pumping it out! A good example is Facebook. You can write the best post ever, but if you aren’t posting all the time – you won’t get through and make a great impression.
7. Hire a Professional! You can get specialist Copy Writers that can do a really good job! I would personally stay out of the Cheap-Ass 3rd World Options on this one. It will be cheap, but you often get a cheap result. Plenty around on this one (some clients even get me to do it as a Marketer).
My thinking and advice? If you are doing it yourself – keep practicing and get better. Get some professional help if you need – plenty of awesome copywriters out there.
Love your work, thank you for the read and God Bless!
About the Author:
Edward Zia is a Marketing Mentor, Commentator, Blogger and Entrepreneur. He loves helping Awesome Small Business Owners! If you love what you see, he would love you to check out his Premium Online Community “The Awesome Marketing Vault by Edward Zia. Great Marketing Ideas & Strategies for Getting More High Value Clients >> Get Instant Access Here!
2 Responses
Hi Edward!
Thank you for the awesome marketing tips.
I love the power words.
“Keep it short” is great, because I’m a very direct and to the point person.
Keep up the good work!
You rock Alfred and thank you!