Just recently, I was very lucky to be interviewed the powerhouse B2B Marketer Kym Heffernan.
He is a great guy that I have known for years, and I he runs a very successful Podcast & Interview Show. Kym invited me to join him on his show to talk Marketing, Selling, Politics and life in Sydney.
It was a top interview which is shared on Social Media and Via Email, and it was audio only. This means, it was a simple MP3 Audio file, which you can’t really upload to say LinkedIn and Facebook (and have it play in a meaningful easy form).
The first thing I did was convert it to a video, so I can upload it to LinkedIn, Facebook and also my Awesome Marketing Vault Mentoring Program (and YouTube too for that matter). I get asked quite a bit on how to do this and in short, this is how you can make it happen:
- Install Camtasia on your PC or Apple PC: This is the top program for simple video editing. It takes a bit to get used too, but powerful.
- Create a strong simple graphic for the Video: I used by images of Kym and myself, and made it all fancy and black and white with www.picmonkey.com
- Export the video with the audio and great graphics: Then you have the file.
It works great and it’s something I do in audio only situations. You can do so much more with a video file these days (being an MP4) and it’s great.
Love your work, thank you for the read and happy exporting friends!
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