My poor back! This the load I felt under and this short painful experience reminded me of the importance of health. (Image Credit - Thank you Vault Boy & Fallout)

My poor back! This the load I felt under and this short painful experience reminded me of the importance of health. (Image Credit – Thank you Vault Boy & Fallout)

Yes you can laugh at me big time. Some of my seating posture lately has been ‘questionable’ at best and guess what happened to me for a few days? I got a very tight muscle in my back and it totally threw out my posture.

It was extremely painful and I was so out of alignment, I looked really funny with a lean in my body shape and everything. After a visit to the Chiropractor today (thank you so much to them), it got me back into alignment and now I am very much focused on my posture and being as healthy as possible.

I had a great chat with a client today who I have a massive amount of respect for. She is a high end professional and we both spoke about the importance of ‘Health’ in the context of ‘Marketing’. In short, it’s very hard to be a successful outstanding marketer if you are unhealthy, fat or in lots of pain.

For me being injured, it was exactly the same thing.

With my back hurting, it was very hard focusing on my work and the moment I got it fixed – awesome! I am back in the zone, super productive and feeling good. Even though it was only a pulled muscle, it created so much pain that it so threw me out of everything that I was focusing on.

Health is critical. Be it what we eat, how we sit, the people we hang out with and what we fill our minds with.

My advice and painful lesson over the past few days? HEALTH HEALTH HEALTH! It’s a key component of being wealthy and I am sure that the late Steve Jobs (RIP and I think he is awesome) would have traded everything he had for a life extension.

Stay healthy, especially as you get older! I don’t bounce around like I did as a 20 year old, but boy I am fitter and stronger that I have ever been. I did make a mistake with my posture, but I can promise this won’t happen again.

Learn from my mistakes friends, thank you for the read and Stay Awesome!



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