Creating your SELLING elevator pitch! The Live Webinar rocked.
Creating your SELLING elevator pitch!
It’s 8:29PM and I am totally energised after a fantastic Live Webinar tonight. I had a very engaged crowd (who strangely asked no questions) and we spoke about “Creating your SELLING elevator pitch!”. It’s quite an interesting topic in the respect that when many of us start out, we can be quite long and lengthy in what we are saying.
I used to be quite long in that respect and in fact you can quite easily spot someone starting out by the fact they are saying “too much”. As we get tougher, better, smarter and more in the zone – there is a tendenacy to say less and really cut to the chase. Not so much anymore, but there used to be quite a debate on the length of elevator pitches. I have always been in the “20 seconds max club” and some people go on for minutes and minutes.
It’s nuts and doesn’t work. Over time, people have followed my lead (sweet) in terms of tight 20 second rounds. I have included the Live Webinar Recording below for you wonderful people, so please enjoy it on the house. If you like what you see and need more, I’d so love to work with you – check out the options on my website.
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