Donald Trump's Positive Campaign - results speak all!

Donald Trump’s Positive Campaign – results speak all!

You don’t need me to tell you 2016 was one of the craziest years in living memory. When we thought it was over; Carrier Fisher passed on, the United Nations is in big trouble with Israel and the US with lots of chaos going on.

I can understand how people get caught up into the negativity and it’s critical that we stay out of that web. Once we let the media, the ills of the world and the like latch onto our mind – it can be easy to stay in that mode (talking from personal experience on that one).

Bringing it back to marketing; I rarely see people succeed with ‘negative marketing’. This is when you talk through massive pain, issues or take the ‘if you don’t buy this path, you are in trouble thinking’.

It was quite massive a few years back especially in the Coaching & Mentoring spaces, but understandably it generated a massive push back. Whenever I have been ‘negative’ in my own marketing it has been met with rightful critique, push back and people just never liked it.

One great example was the historic loss of Hillary Clinton to Donald Trump. If you look at Hillary’s Twitter or FB (which are still up) and scroll back; it was such a downer. Everything was bad about the world, Trump was the cause of all of societies challenges and you / me / everyone are racists / sexists / misogynistic if we don’t get on the Hillary bandwagon.

Then you scroll to Trump’s pages. Sure, he does chew people out – however most of his posts are gleaming with positivity. He is either talking about ‘Making America Great Again’, how wonderful Law Enforcement are, the honour of meeting with Bill Gates, why his children are fantastic and the job results he wants to bring in when he is in office.

It was very positive and the world ultimately bought it. He’s in and politics and marketing are incredibly similar. After all, he has never been a politician but he is an incredible marketer. Perhaps the world’s best?

The point being is that being positive, magnetic, can do and talking about what you can give / create is everything. Of course it’s good to talk about the problem and be honest about negative things – but don’t build your campaign on it.

Primarily negative campaigns have their place in say Road Safety, Government Messages and the like but rarely work in what we do. It also runs the risk too of getting push back.

For example, I saw this ad on FB telling me how the world’s oceans are filling up with plastic and it’s all my fault. It then had a great message about its recyclable options but by then it had lost me. It would have been better to not actually blame me / the audience for the problem and focus more on the solution.

My advice and thinking? Be the glowing sign of positivity. Talk about how you will solve massive negative problems with your positive glow.

People love it. They follow you. They don’t feel guilty – they in fact love it. Think through your messaging and approach; make it upbeat in your own unique way.

Love your work, thank you for the read and thank you Donald Trump and co. for the inspiration on this one.



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