Valerie Orton rocks and it was great speaking to leader on this issue. Love her work!

Valerie Orton rocks and it was great speaking to leader on this issue. Love her work!

The mirror is a very interesting place that I have found myself starting a lot into as I have grown older, become a ‘responsible’ parent and as the business has grown.

This has been a very interesting exercise that I have always enjoyed and been into with lots of Personal Development and learning about objective ‘360 degree’ feedback when I first studied Human Resources (where you basically ask everyone about you questions about yourself).

As my life has changed and I have had to grow in my abilities to service my wonderful community; it’s caused me to look at myself and ask myself hard questions about my own behaviour.

From avoiding messy jobs, to uncomfortable conversations, right through even drinking too much alcohol at Business Networking Events (not good) – I made it a point to really think through my own behaviour and question what I have been doing.

Hence, I have cleaned up in many ways from drinking less, losing those unwanted pounds and feeling totally in the zone (and of course the business working better).

During my awesome experiences at NSW Business Chamber I have been very lucky to connect with the insightful Valerie Orton from Head Hand & Heart Management. She is a ‘Resilience Thought Leader’ and people and teams get more productive and collaborate better on many levels.

Besides her impressive track record and resolve; what impressed me was her understanding in this area of the first step being honest ‘self-awareness’ of one’s shortcomings. She was what I thought was oddly impressed at my own ability to notice this in that many don’t like ‘looking into the mirror’ and questioning what they do.

I do and I am starting to think it’s rare, but I can tell you that questioning your own shortcomings and behaviour is not an easy thing. If you want to grow however, you must simply stare into the dark mirror and use it as a chance to get real with yourself and make some potent decisions. This trait of mine has been very useful and it was incredible hearing this from a leader in this area such as the awesome Valerie.

My advice and thinking? Regardless of whether you like it or not, reflect on your own behaviour and stare into the ‘dark mirror’ so to speak. It all starts with recognition of what we are doing that we are not proud of that paves the way for us to do many great things.

My own growth has been due to that and I love it. It’s not easy but a must. Reflect, do it and win.

Love your work, thank you for the read and make sure you smash that like and share.

>> P.S. Also make sure you check out Valerie’s book ‘Everyday Resilience: Creating Calm from Chaos’ on Amazon. It rocks and visit it on Amazon here!



2 Responses

  1. Lovely to connect with you Edward and it is true. Mirror exercises are a very powerful way to reflect on who you are – the awesomeness as well as areas of development.

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