And great food helps to fill workshops!

And great food helps to fill workshops!

Workshops are a wonderful strategy for many of us awesomely attractive entrepreneurs.

It’s a powerful leveraged way to get more high value profitable clients and to also just look wonderful.

It also gives you regular public speaking practice so over time you become a great speaker (even if you start off from a weak base like I once did).

I assume that if you are reading this article, you are already convinced on workshops as a Marketing Strategy and it comes down to us running them frequently and ultimately filling them.

I run my Live Sydney CBD workshops usually each fortnight and I use a range of strategies to get them filled and keep them full. My top key tips & tricks are:

  • Give the workshop a great topic and name (this makes filling it easy).
  • Host it on a great platform like Meetup or Eventbrite.
  • Share that link everywhere!
  • Invite people in my newsletter database.
  • Invite people in the Eventbrite and Meetup Databases.
  • Share the links through LinkedIn & Facebook.
  • PERSONALLY invite people all the time!

The last strategy to me is the most powerful in that if I say get low numbers for a workshop I just need to invite more people. I find that I get 1 booking per 20 invites and I love inviting friends from LinkedIn & Facebook to do that. I never just invite anyone; I spend some time inviting people to the events who I KNOW WILL LOVE IT.

My advice and thinking? If you put all this time and energy into running an event, you want it nice and full. Make sure you have enough time to market it well so you get at least 40 bookings. That way with say a 50% turn up rate, you know you have a wonderful crowd of 20 people.

Also too, only invite the right people along! Not just anyone, but only the awesomely wonderful that you know will love it and in turn you shall love.

Market your events hard and win big time!

Love your work, thank you for the read and stay awesome friends!



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