A long and wonderful day friends! The drive from Sydney to Melbourne is a journey in itself!
It’s 10:52PM and we finally made it to Melbourne after a very long drive from Sydney all in one day. It would have been much faster if it wasn’t for some unexpected car trouble (those European Cards lol), plenty of stops for baby and of course our own sight seeing as part of the process.
It has been a tough day, but a totally fun day and now I am with my wonderful folks in the Yarra Valley (Victoria), with my dad meeting his grand daughter for the first time.
It’s a wonderful sight and it’s got me thinking about today in terms of a great journey, with a wonderful ending.
I have spent lots of my life not enjoying the actual journey and just hanging on to get to the destination with the belief system “Once I make it there, everything will be fine”. This is never true of course in any long term meaningful way and what makes it great is a wonderful journey.
What makes life, business and the like incredible is a wonderful journey to match the wonderful outcomes. Of course, we get lows and highs.
My advice and thinking? Enjoy your journey as much as your endgame. Not much of our lives is spent at the end goal, it’s in the process along the way.
So my friends, love your process! It drives motivation and makes it all more worthwhile.
I love your work, thank you for the read and enjoy your holidays friends!
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