The Awesome Ella Sallustio (Middle in Green) and the fine NSW BC people. They are in the zone!
I am very impressed and the awesome NSW Business Chamber has had another night of excellence with their Business After 5 last night.
It was a powerful event with about 300 people, exhibitors and more. They magically got together high value business people networking in a positive and dynamic environment.
I have been a member of the Chamber for a good 6 months now and have lost count of the amount of clients I have received from it and the value it has delivered to my business.
You go to great events, meet great people and also pick up top ideas. Talking more to last night, what really won me over was the way it was run and the kind nature of people who were in the room.
From people from the Holiday Inn, to Red Balloon to top companies – right through to good looking Persian Entrepreneurs like me (who work out you know), it was quite the powerful crowd I have certainly grown to love and enjoy over time.
The streets of Sydney have taught me many lessons and one of the key ones are the importance of making sure you associate with the right people and go to the right events. You can have a great product, be the right person and be ready to go, BUT if you are mixing with the wrong people you are in big trouble.
Equally, if you have the goods and are in the right places, it’s big trouble for your competition and maximum smiles and good times for you.
My advice wonderful friends? Please check out the NSW BC Website and go to their events page.
Browse their events and I quite like the lunches and networking Business After 5’s they run. Enjoy, thank you again NSW BC, share this article with those it can help and stay awesome!
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