I saw Zach Mason thanking people over Facebook and he rocks. It got me thinking…
I just finished my Facebook Live Event for this evening and one theme that was going through my mind was the importance of thanking your community.
The awesome Zachary Mason ran a very successful event during the week and I just saw him thanking everyone on Facebook for it. A great move and this inspired more of my thinking in this area.
In the crazy modern world, we live in (especially that in a biggish city like Sydney), it can certainly be a bit of a rat race and one of keeping up with the Jones. It can be sometimes very much “What’s in it for me” and when some genuinely thanks you for something, it can be a real break from our common experiences.
For me, when we are thanked for what we do, it gets us thinking as to what this means and possible outcomes for us. It means that people like us and appreciate us (after all, they wouldn’t thank us otherwise) and it also gets us thinking more nicer things about the person who has thanked us.
It spreads good will, makes everyone happy and of course makes us who do the genuine thanking look wonderful.
My advice and thinking? Thank your community and customers more! I certainly need too and it’s something I shall be keeping very much in mind.
So THANK YOU for reading this blog friends and I love your work!
Ed 🙂
2 Responses
Boom Big Grattiude!
It is the foundation for growth!
True that! Love your work Zac 🙂