Our event rocked tonight and we asked lots of questions. LOTS OF QUESTIONS. It worked!
It’s a late evening as I write this blog and I am pumped and very thankful for everyone who came to our “Profitable Marketing Meetup” evening.
It was great seeing all these wonderful people and I made some improvements to the Evening Seminar that played out beautifully.
They key was ‘ASKING QUESTIONS’ and lots of questions! Whenever I would make a key point, I would ask the audience what they would think and for their contributions.
I would throw my own in there too and it was a very potent model of success. After all, no one just wants to be talked too; they want to be pulled into the action.
My advice? When you speak at events, ask lots of great questions.
You get lots of engagement, wonderful questions and people just think you rock.
Enjoy, get interaction and win big friends!
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