Do I love my great country of Australia? Me being wrapped up in Liberal Banner at our recent election says “YES”. Proud to be an Australian and Australia Day 2014 rocked!
I love Australia. I fought for my country. I get upset when people say bad things about it. I love seeing the Australian flag. I love the Queen and our British origins and as an Entrepreneur I think it’s an amazing place to do business full of awesome people!
After just enjoying Australia Day (which is on January 26th each year) it’s a great chance to reflect on how awesome our country is. Even thought I can’t say I have visited every continent on earth, I have certainly done some travelling to some of the wealthiest and poorest parts of the Planet Earth.
From watching children starve in the street to people with too much money killing themselves with food (go the Mid-West of North America! Loved it there) the world can be sometimes a terrifying yet equally amazing experience when one travels.
In becoming a successful entrepreneur and being blessed to help thousands of others, it’s really got me thinking on a range of levels as to why we as Australian’s are lucky to be here and it’s a place for people that want to make something for themselves.
I never used to think this way all the time. During the Global Financial Crisis when I got washed up, relationship broke down and all that violin stuff I was quite angry at many things. It was even angry at Australia, I felt for years that my great country let me down when I needed them the most.
Over time and developing my own sense of personal responsibility and pride I realized that Australia didn’t let me know. I let myself down! I didn’t appreciate or take advantage of the great country we live in and often put giving into my fears / comfort over everything else.
When I got this, I realized as an Entrepreneur who is trying to build a life for themselves by helping others, Australia is an awesome country for these Top 7 Reasons in my book:
1) Australia has great Mate-ship and people love supporting others when they trip over.
2) The Government really helps Small Business and supports them (not perfect, but they are trying!).
3) It’s one clean country!
4) It’s very safe with a relatively fair legal system.
5) There is a great business community who love watching others succeed.
6) The Coffee is really good and helps you work harder (trust me it sucks in the USA and UK)
7) It’s Australia People!
It sounds like I am going for Parliament and for the record I don’t certainly plan too – but I just thought I would use Australia Day as my opportunity to thank this great country for the success and friends I have.
My thinking and advice from all this? Australia is the land of opportunity and it’s what you make of it. If you have great results, then great! If you are a bit bit bummed out like I was – it’s okay! Just open your mind, try new things and work hard in the right direction. You will get there with the true Australian values of hard work and dedication!
Thank you for taking the time to read this and God Bless from Edward Zia. One Marketing Mentor and Proud Australian!
2 Responses
Id vote for you Ed. Heck Id even run with you so that you had enough numbers that you didn’t have to do dirty deals, to get things done.
You are a good man and thank you David for the great reply. Your poem / monologue on Facebook was quite inspiring and I am going to share it right here – well done and keep up the fine work my good man:
“A decade ago I became Australian.
And it has been the making of me.
This is a land of opportunity, with jobs and a culture that supports having a go.
Populated by generous people who believe a battler is a person worth of help.
A nation of extreme weather, and a stability of spirit.
We are a nation of equals, each with a voice and respect for the others way of life.
We all live in a lucky country, with riches in minerals, agriculture, education and technology.
I’m proud to be here.