Avoiding Haters and Pursuing the Awesome can be a challenge in business, especially as we succeed and get more well known! But make no mistake, it’s a very profitable & rewarding thing to do (Thank you Fallout and Vault Boy for the image use!)
Hello Awesome People!
For myself personally and many of the Extraordinary People I am Lucky to work with – “Being Unique” and “Standing Out” is almost always one of the Key Prerequisites for being Successful.
Be it with Great Ideas, unique Technology, a rare Personality or whatever the Case maybe, the Scenario for “Being Different = Success” is an easy one to argue.
Read any “Successful” person’s Story and coming at it from this Viewpoint – “Average People get only Average Results”. To me, these simple Arguments / Social Proof will verify the point.
I read somewhere that Johnny Depp was (and probably still is) one of the highest paid actors in Hollywood, and the people that I Personally work with at the 7-Figure Level are in the Category of that very Rare type of people. Considering all this and the Direction you can tell this blog is going in, are the fact that All Successful People have their Fair share of Critics / Haters.
Even my top Clients who do nothing but Help people have Haters that just Trash them for no Logical Reason – including some of them who are Amazing kind people who spend their lives Helping people. I have had people who I have Invested my Time in helping (even at little / no charge), turn around and slam me for Whatever Reasons they may have. Usually, it all comes down to their own Insecurities or Issues that they are going through.
It’s the age old Aussie Tall Poppy Syndrome / The Green Eyed Monster / Pure Jealousy and the like coming to the Surface and I think it’s one of the main Reasons why many in our Country fear Success. When you succeed, you naturally open yourself to gaining more Fans and more Critics, if this is a risk you are willing to take, then Stay Strong and to the Core of your chosen Direction.
Fortunately, the Fans of the Successful people I know usually Greatly Outweigh the Critics / Haters they have. Bringing it more back to Marketing – unless you are a Distinct Character/ person / Product offering or the like, it’s very hard to Stand Out and Achieve an Extraordinary Level of Performance without a few knock backs here and there. It takes Confidence, Strength and Guts to speak One’s Mind. For me, at times it’s Honestly been Challenge when I Felt the need to first Conquer and Convince my Own Mind before putting new Messages out into the Market. As it could be quite hard to try and Convince others if you are having trouble Convincing yourself in the first place.
Talking to the Awesome Positive here, Learning to Market with Confidence, not letting the Critics / Haters take up your Time, Thinking and being Brave enough to make Strong Claims about your Services / Products and where you Honestly Stand. It is Critical for being Noticed, for being Uniquely you, and having people choose you out of all the Crowd of “Average” people out there.
My advice and thinking? As you get Bigger and Better at what you do – you will get tons of Awesome Fans and people who aren’t. Mentally Block Out and Ignore the Haters and Focus your Energy on Improving the Awesomeness. It can be “Natural” at times to Outweigh the Negative and Block the Positive and this is BAD! So, do be aware and reel yourself back to the Right mind set.
Awesome People, Focus on your Marketing & Positive Energy! My Big Lesson and any of my 7 Figure Clients and Colleagues will tell you Exactly the same.
Trust this has been another Helpful Topic. For more savvy tips and to keep up to date with New Ideas to Market your Business, please sign up to the “The Awesome Marketing Vault”
Love your work, and thank You for the read, enjoy the thoughts, Edward Zia sign out – Stay Awesome!!
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