Awesome Melanie Bond (pictured right) – Heart of Gold and an amazing (and fast) come back character with our fine Smita at 4Networking North Ryde in 2013. She is larger than life for sure!
Melanie Bond is one cool business woman I have been lucky to not only become friends with but work during mid 2013 to present day. I have always great admired her style and even though our circumstances differ – in some ways we totally overlap in once being “Washed Up” and then bouncing back in style.
When I got to know her on a personal level, we were readily exchanging stories about setbacks in life and recovering from them.
This I think is certainly a “Luck” element for many and you get some people that have smooth lives. Be it born into wealth, or they just have a great winning spree with no setbacks against them. I am not being “Tall Poppy” or anything – in fact, I am the opposite. If someone achieves massive success – has nothing go against them, and they succeed the right ethical way – I am the first to praise them for their fine efforts and success.
For most of us – like Melanie and Myself – stuff happens to us in life that gives us set backs. In my personal case it was physical / emotional trauma, multiple retrenchments, unemployment during the GFC and a few fiance’s moving on and giving me the big goodbye (with my last one in 2013). Please don’t think I am playing the violins or pulling at your heart-strings or anything like that – I am just calling the facts about my own story and I know quite a few people that have similar setbacks in their lives.
Bringing it back to awesome Melanie and her fine example of success – is that a bit majority (I think easily 50% or maybe even more of the population) has setbacks in life that are just hard, undeserved and such. As I have said in previous articles – you get some positive whackos that think “Oh I visualize everything and whatever happens I deserve” and I think that is certainly and easily disprovable point. As why bad things happen to good people – I think that is more of a discussion to be had with a Priest, Pastor, Cleric, Rabbi or a Monk.
Talking to Melanie and being able to tell her story, out of many of the great business women I have worked with over time – she is up them in terms of the speed of her comeback. Sure, I do teach great Sales & Marketing Strategies – but what I have taught to her I have taught to many and she took it and ran with it.
Her core strategy was “Channel Partnering” or “Strategic Partner Management” as some call it. As a Small Business Owner / Entrepreneur (almost for all services) it’s where do business with people who contact your target market. In Melanie’s case as a Conveyancer – it’s common practice that parties such as Mortgage Brokers, Real Estate Agents, Property Investors and Solicitors can be parties that refer Conveyancing work when properties are traded. Melanie worked extremely hard in setting up great win / win arrangements to get introductions to end clients through this strategy and her results have been amazing – with a very strong stream of referrals coming and coming her way!
My advice and lesson from watching Melanie in action? Well I got several lessons here to talk about:
– You can make a massive come back quickly.
– Partnering is critical in Small Business.
– Always give in take.
– Work hard, fast and be giving!
So I take my hat off to Melanie Bond and you can check out her fine website right here in this free plug for her!
And like always, if you love my stuff and want to learn more top Sales & Marketing Strategies – check out my Awesome Marketing Vault right here!
Have a great day / night out there and God Bless from Edward Zia – Marketing Mentor and Raving Fan of Melanie Bond!
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