Lou Jones from “The Running Drummer” – One fine Business Woman that knows her true unique strength!
I have had an amazing day and have been very lucky to be working with Louise Jones from “The Running Drummer”. We caught up for a fine working breakfast on Cronulla Beach (which is a great beach-side CBD located 26km South of Sydney). Louise (or “Lou”) is one fine operator that has a unique point of difference and knows what she really wants. During her research, she found a massive gap in the market for actual the “Doers” of Marketing & respective Promotional Campaigns.
That is, you get people like myself as Marketing Mentors & Strategists that give all the advice and if clients need it all done, Lou and the Running Drummer implements it. There are surprisingly so few businesses that offer this service (at least well) and people have gravitated to her big time! If you know Lou personally, she is quite a unique operator and really thinks with her own mind and knows that:
– If you aren’t unique, you just don’t stand out and therefore it’s very hard to make any decent money.
That is so true and I totally back that. Almost every leader out there when they speak (from Bill Gates, to Richard Branson, to Ita Buttrose and even William Shatner) usually has their own view on on being “Unique” and it’s critical importance to their own success.
You can see that the iPad was an amazing innovation and Apple grabbed the Tablet market early on, Windows 8 and 8.1 Series is getting traction now and is the first system to really embrace touch screens and Subway were one of the earliest “Fast Food Franchises” to provide healthy food that you could possibly considering living on.
Even talking Australia, Gloria Jean’s Coffee were the first serious franchise to take Espresso Coffee across Australia with a standard consistency giving even sub-urban malls a fine place for a fine hot beverage.
I don’t think anyone reading this article would ever debate the point that you need to be “Different” to gain above market success – and that would be accepted as a fact. However, the issue is really figuring out what you are brilliant at, what the market wants and what you choose to deliver.
Lou Jones has done this in her own life and business. Her business is quite unique compared to the mainstay of businesses out there and no surprise people love her concept and want to engage her Project Management and Marketing Implementation services. If you are in business or about to go in and have trouble working out what makes you “Unique”, it’s great to take a leaf out of Lou’s book and really understand the three main areas:
– What the Market really wants / needs?
– What can you offer to realistically meet that?
– How can you deliver that and turn a sustainable profit?
– How will you differentiate yourself to really STAND OUT for Awesome Success?
Obviously there is a lot more to being an entrepreneur than these 4 points, but if you are truly stuck in figuring these out – keep an open mind and consider these ideas. It could be something about your service (e.g. Lou focusing on “Implementation” rather than Strategy which most of the market does) or even your own personality traits as part of your fine brand / point of difference.
So trusting William Shatner, Bill Gates, Steve Jobs and Ita Buttrose – find your point of difference, stand out and gain the awesome success you deserve!
With thanks to Louise Jones for her great support in writing this article – make sure you check out the Awesome Marketing Vault for some Powerhouse Sales & Marketing Strategies perfect for Entrepreneurs and Small Business Owners!
Thank you from Edward Zia – Marketing Mentor who enjoys fine dining in Beach-side Locations!
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