You probably know where this blog post is going….
Hello Awesome People!
When it comes to Effective, Profitable Marketing – it comes down to a lot of factors being perfectly in alignment. One of them which dominates many discussions I am in is the “The Importance of Wording”.
The inspiration for this article came to me today as I was on a Train from Sydney CBD, to the affluent North Shore of Sydney. I didn’t feel like sitting down and I was standing up, kind of leaning for fresh air as doors would open at given stops.
At one stop, I noticed this quite pleasant “1950’s Sign” which said “Beautiful Balls Head”. I had to look 3 – 4 times, slap myself in the face and question what I was seeing.
Yes, it was true. I saw this old fashioned sign that said “Alight Here for Beautiful Balls Head”. It was very popular when I posted it to Facebook it was a hit. It’s obviously left there in pure humour (which I think it great) and reminded me of the good old Flintstones theme, “Having a Gay Old Time”. Obviously funny by today’s interpretation of something that was very innocent in it’s time.
Bringing this back to Marketing, it got me reflecting on the critical importance of “Wording” in marketing. Talking Facebook advertising as an example, just getting a word “Right” / “Wrong” can mean the difference between an advertisement working and and advertising not.
When it comes to writing effective messaging, I find it’s really important to come up with a great simple message, looking at it from different viewpoints, getting feedback and in particular, making sure you don’t sound silly!
“Gay Old Time”, “Balls Head”, “Fook Yu” and references like that all sound funny, however in the wrong context can result in lost sales and potential damage to your business.
My advice and thinking? Great messaging needs to be checked, questioned and assessed to ensure that it’s selling one’s services. It also requires some common sense to make sure you aren’t being a silly billy.
Trust this has been another Helpful Topic. For more savvy tips and to keep up to date with New Ideas to Market your Business, please sign up to the “The Awesome Marketing Vault”
Love your work, and thank You for the read, enjoy the thoughts, Edward Zia sign out – Stay Awesome!!
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