It was quite funny actually; about two months ago we run a Sydney CBD Workshop Evening talking about what we have found to be the best networking places in town. We put our views forward and found it to be an incredibly emotive topic.
We had a massive turnout and as evening proceeded it created a lot of controversy. Some were very married to their networking environments and we challenged the audience (and ourselves) to look them all in the eye and ask the simple question:
– “Is this a profitable & productive use of my time?”
I asked myself the same exact question about 2 years ago and the answer confronted me on many levels. There were places which “I loved” but upon asking the hard questions; it wasn’t doing me any good financially. I had to change.
If you know anything about my backstory, I have worn out many pairs of shoes all over this beautiful city of Sydney. From hitting small breakfasts of people in the fringes of greater Sydney, to packed business events with over 500+ people I have seen many things in this space.
About 3 years ago I got into NSW Business Chamber and just this morning I was lucky to speak as a ‘Veteran’ at their new members welcome breakfast. It was full of new people coming into the chamber learning the rules and it was funny me speaking as a pro (once remembering myself in a fragile position such as them).
As I said in the meeting to a room full of people; NSW Business Chamber is to me is one of the best places in town that suits my business and me emotionally / personally. It’s full of amazing people who have been incredibly supportive, given me referrals including picking up a very important government client.
It’s also given me the credibility to take bigger quests, bigger clients and also grow myself on a level of emotional abundance and free thinking. You can say that it’s quite me and on note of irony; I have outgrown many other places and found myself fitting in here.
Many logically argue it’s the best networking environment in town and when you talk almost 20,000+ members, roughly 400 events per year, their national influence and the fact they have been around for over a century (not decades) it’s a very solid position to take.
Everyone is different in their style, their lives and what they seek. I have found that like a glove or a shoe; you must make sure you are networking in the right environment that suits you as a person. It’s a very personal thing.
My advice and thinking? Really question your networking experience and ask hard questions. It may be actually quite awesome for you and you may even go harder in that direction. If you have ever been the ‘lost cat’ looking for a place to call home, come visit a NSW Chamber event.
They rock. It’s changed my life. No they aren’t paying me to say this (lol).
>> Stay awesome and visit there website here!
Thank you NSW Business Chamber and go hit one of their events big time!
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