Blogging is Dead? This is one of the most lame questions I have heard in a while. I can’t believe some “Ding-Bats” out there even think that. Do you see this quirky image? Yeah – Blogging works!
The proof? You are reading this article right now and in completely leveraged fashion you are thinking about that whacky (yet brilliant) Marketing Mentor from Sydney by the name of Edward Zia (me).
The reason why I have written this odd heading and am reflecting in this manner comes from a great Group LinkedIn discussion. Someone disagreed with the fact that “Blogging is Dead”. They made reference to plenty of people out there saying “It’s Dead” and “Blogging no longer works”.
Firstly (until yesterday) I have never heard anyone question whether is blogging is dead or not. Secondly, many of the brilliant Online Marketers I work with use Blogging as a Primary Marketing Strategy. Thirdly, it has been outstanding for me. Fourthy, when I read the articles they were completely banal with either really poor arguments (such as “It’s all Twitter now man”) or it was just an attention seeking headline where they were actually Pro-Blogging and trying to trick people into clicking on their lame thoughts.
Talking personally as to my own Business Growth, I have been using Blogging as a means of helping people with free content from my ideas and in turn promoting myself as well as my Brilliant and Awesome Online Product “The Awesome Marketing Vault” (like I did then x x).
I have had clients use blogging as well by simply writing great articles and sharing them across ones Social Media. The critics of Blogging very poorly argue that “Oh well, blogging sucks and it’s all Facebook / Twitter / LinkedIn these days”. Really? Well, can’t you write a blog article on your site, share it through Social Media so people that click are brought back to your website?
The intelligent people made those points, but the Ding-Bats were too silly to make that conclusion and just wrote off “Blogging”. If anything, not many people are blogging very well these days and this is the perfect opportunity to really get good at it.
Also as well, Blogging is mostly just article writing and I noticed that News Sites are producing more and more articles than ever.
Closing my Argument, if you are reading these words “YOU ARE AWESOME” then it’s proof that blogging works and you are on my website! (And of course, you can click right here to get “The Awesome Marketing Vault!”).
Thank you for the read awesome people and have fun worldwide!
Edward Zia – Marketing Mentor, Blogger and Supporter of the “Ding-Bat Free Zone!”.
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