The Fine Manufacturing Leader Michael Mourad Speaking at Daniel Doherty’s ConnectFX Event. We so love Networking!
I have been extremely lucky to be working with a fine operator such as Michael Mourad (from Pace Pallet Services). Earlier in 2014 I was very lucky to interview him about his Business and Entrepreneurial Success and got some great insights into how he has built a fine manufacturing business – against some big challenges too.
Having clients like him is a rocking thing and like all of my clients, I often learn great things from them too. Michael is a very soft-spoken fellow, but whenever he says something – it’s often well thought out and almost always correct. He is a great Leader and Manager and I have seen him in action in not only running his business, but pulling off major events and positively dealing with conflict.
In one of our email discussions he paid me some great advice. As it’s so good and I so love typing – I just thought I would cut and past his gold from the email he sent me:
Hi Ed,
Thank you for your kind reference to me in your article.
You have some great points there, here are a couple more that I try to work by.
1. Shared Leadership. My way is not always the right way, encourage your staff to not always follow. Allow them to feel comfortable enough to contribute to decisions or show initiative (within reason). Just because you are the boss, it does not mean you are the knower of all knowledge.
2. Conflict is a Resource. Healthy debate or a difference of opinion can be used as a resource if handled correctly. Two things can happen, Firstly, your idea or view is challenged and debated and finally confirmed as the right way to go. Or Secondly, someone else has found an issue or a better way and your idea / view is trashed. The end result is that your business will benefit from the best idea/ view/ solution. The is no point your business missing out because your staff remain quiet or you unintentionally intimidate them to remain silent.
Keep up the passion mate.
Michael Mourad
Great advice and something to read over and over again to reflect on. Happy Days everyone, thank you to Michael at Pace Pallet Services for me referencing him and keep up the great Leadership Small Business Owners!
Thank you from Edward Zia and keep rocking on people!
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