Business in Heels rocked! Eliza won a book, Evelyne delivered and Zahrina inspired. Worth it!
It’s 10:35PM as I sit down to write this article, I have some Breadsticks, Camembert, Feta and Crackers as I come back with a great buzz after a fine ‘womens event’.
As a man who has been quite into gender equality and the like, I always have a great admiration for women’s networking events such as Business in Heels. Recently, I have been lucky to befriend the awesome Evelyne Wilton who runs the Hills group and she invited me to come down and hang with the ladies provided I do lots of Facebook posts.
I proudly accepted and loved it.
I got in early and where the humour started was one of the women who arrived early walked up to me – challenged my masculinity with the line ‘where are your heels?’. My typical Edward Zia, smartass answer that came to me:
– “Well, I am a feminist, and lots of them wear Boots & Doc Martens. So yeah, these are ‘feminist’ high heels”.
As I challenged her assertive humour with humours come back, she generated an immediate respect for me and it paved the way for an awesome night.
From talking to amazing business women, hearing from Zahrina Robertson on Personal Branding, spending time with a group of fine business women – it was great being one of the few guys in the room.
It’s quite funny when you talk basic gender stereotypes in business networking. Over the years, I have seen both men and women play the game differently. Men are very goal driven, focused and the like – with women more taking the relational, nurturing path.
This trend really played out tonight in Business in Heels and I was very impressed at the event. If you are female and looking for business networking, these are the top reasons of why it may suit you:
– You want a nurturing type of environment.
– You like the idea of a ‘safe space’ to help you develop and succeed.
– You target market may be women.
In addition too, I am developing a massive respect for Evelyne Wilton. Kind, respectful and love her work.
My advice friends? Check out their Facebook Page and if it’s your thing, go and visit. I think it rocked and so may you.
Love your work, thanks for the read, go Business in Heels and stay awesome!
6 Responses
Thank you Edward for your blog & being our online reporter for the night.
Love your work and glad you like it 🙂
Loved meeting you last night Edward Zia, I must say the Docs rocked it 🙂 As one could see networking with congruency is not only name tags and formalities , it is empowerment support and fun, above all else with no ageism, gender inequality or shoe envy 🙂 Looking forward to seeing more of your work.
Thank you and it was a great one! Yes, I defended my Docs with full honour as as a proud male feminist they are most certainly my high heels (pick on me all you want, but the Docs remain in my Safe Safe lol). Love your work and till more ahead.
Hi Edward Zia, lovely to see you again!
Have the pleasure of being a member with Business in Heels networking, with like-minded individuals and getting involved in a broader community. Such a powerful way to raise my profile in the community as well as build mutually rewarding relationships that can build my business.
I Suzi Tassios from Suzi’s Jewellery & Accessories have the pleasure of knowing the beautiful Evelyn Wilton with respect, support and appreciate all her Great work! If your looking for a Great networking group, come along and visit, you will not be disappointed! ???? Happy Birthday BIH Great Blog Edward Zia
Thank you Suzi and appreciate the comment. It was a pleasure visiting you all and to big things ahead.