Some of my own biggest wins in business have almost always come as a result of strong planning. Getting ready for the webinar has only reminded me of that! (I am sure Martha Arifin woudl agree!)
Tonight (being Awesome Sunday) as I write this article has been a good one for me. I have had a relaxing day with my new young family, hit the gym, got a massage (from the lovely Jude) on my poor tight Hamstrings and Calves and feeling great.
As I have been preparing for tomorrow (Monday) nights 7PM Webinar I have had some more key insights that have taken my own feelings and thoughts on “Business and Marketing Planning” to a deeper level.
I have been in business for about 3 years full time and I have really got a lot out of it. Starting out for me was really hard (as I never came from a Business Family and had very little support at the start) and after about 2 years it was still hard but as the cliche goes “It gets a little easier each day”.
Tomorrow night is one of my favourite webinars which I run a few times a year, this one being “Building Your Awesome Profitable Business & Marketing Plan”. Now is the time to get ready for next year and the format I am going through I have taught to thousands over the years (literally).
Whenever I prepare and get ready to teach – I am usually the first to learn some new things. I have had 3 x Key Insights (or at least prominent reminders) as to why it’s a very smart move spending a bit of time to plan in ones business:
1) A Clear Anxious Free Direction: Going through business / life without a clear direction is usually not very Profitable and very stressful. Planning takes that all away.
2) You Prepare for Issues in Advance: Having massive issues is part of life and when you KNOW THEY ARE COMING you can be well prepared for them. I have found that issues are only a “Problem” when they sneak up on you. If you got a weakness you can deal with it.
3) It’s Motivating and Inspiring: It’s a positive experience and I updated my own plan for 2015 about 2 – 3 weeks ago and it felt great! It gave me a sense of direction and put me mentally into the right place.
I trust these points help and if you are reading this blog before my Webinar I’d love to invite you to join me! It’s Monday Night, 7PM Sydney Time 1st December 2014. To book in, just scroll down my Facebook Page and you shall find an invite!
>> Check it out here!
Love your work and thank you!
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