It was an honour meeting the awesome Nick Gulic today. He is very kind, reasonable, knows his stuff and I appreciate his help!
I am so embarrassed. As I sit at my desk, I am brighter than a ripe red tomato after something quite funny happened to me today.
I had an awesome day! It started with a great Parramatta Chamber event and I was very lucky to meet the awesome Nick Gulic. He is a Business Coach from an impressive business background and we met, totally clicked and we were able to meet each other that day for a great Chocolate afternoon at Oliver Brown Parramatta.
As a Marketer, I have lots of Business Coaches and clients and was able to give him some great advice the house to help his own development and research
His energy was contagious and I learned a lot from him to help me become stronger. A very cool guy and I encourage you to check out his Facebook Page here.
He was so impressed he went home and decided to buy my Awesome Marketing Vault Mentoring Program which I was thrilled about. As he went to purchase, it went crack / pop and the shopping cart was broken. The very kind man came back to me, let me know what happened and gave me all the details so I could fix it (thank you!).
It was so embarrassing in that I am doing all this work and right at the end of my own process, the shopping cart broke (it just worked 3 days earlier lol).
I immediately called the awesome web developer who is on the case fixing it first thing (it looks like some WordPress updates disrupted the shopping cart which needs an upgrade). Fortunately, Nick is a very cool guy and he has offered to test it out and purchase it when I get it fixed touch wood tomorrow.
It does happen when you are in the Online Product / eCommerce site in that things can easily break, it stops working and no more sales! You then have to get onto it ASAP big time.
Several things I have learned today as I was as red as a tomato:
– Fix up breaks fast! Things do break online and when you pick it up, you need to get it fixed ASAP.
– Truth conquers embarrassment: Be the bright tomato and tell the truth. I just told Nick everything and he is such a cool guy and happy to wait.
– Have a great Web Developer: They are on it and I am happy. Yes! Yes! Yes!
– Be generous and help people: Nick has been totally cool and I trust him! Already put him in my FB group and he has email access to me.
– Make your business stronger: Now this error has occured, my web developer is going over this with a fine tooth comb to help prevent it from occurring in future.
My advice wonderful friends? Things break, fix it when it happens, tell the truth, apologise and do your best to help awesome people.
Life as an online marketer!
Love your work, thank you for the read, Nick Gulic you rock and stay tuned for the updates!
P.S. If you want to buy the Vault, please maybe wait till about the end of 20.05.2016, touch wood the cart is fixed then.
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