A very scary sight with a man smoking himself to death (in the corner of the image). It got me thinking as to what I have done in my own life to limit my own Business, Sales & Marketing Success. Confronting but equally insightful!
Pointing the bone at myself too, my successful 2013 (best year of my life with many ups and downs) has got me reflecting on the big “Why”. That is, myself and many of the top earning millionaires I work with all have that trait (where I modeled it from) – If you fail at something “Why?”, if you succeed at something “Why?”. Knowing the mechanism is critical so you can repeat the success or avoid the failure.
I saw a very disturbing sight last night that got me thinking at a very deep level. I was having a quiet drink with myself before meeting my great friend Susan Wang for dinner. As I was resting at a nearby Leagues Club prior – there was an older man who was coughing heavily outside. This wasn’t any ordinary cough, it was a serious “Medical Cough” that was gaining attention of a few people nearby.
Then what totally shocked me was that as the man finished coughing, he would then draw on his cigarette for another puff. He then would let it sit in his lungs, then cough some more. Then drew on his cigarette again and the visually disturbing process would repeat itself.
In disbelief and total shock, it got me thinking about how my life used to suck and how I actually did choose to be poor and unsuccessful. As I pointed the bone at myself it was unsettling yet very revleaing and I realized I sub-consciously choose too:
– Chose Giving into my Fear over Success.
– Chose Eating High Sugar Foods over Health.
– Chose to Give into my Fear of Rejection instead of Selling More.
– Chose to be the victim in life.
– Chose not to exercise.
– Chose not to give all I can be.
You get the message, I looked at 2012 and prior and accepted that it was my choice to be a loser and totally suck. No wonder my old partner left me and my business was small. As I took charge and ownership of my mistakes and as my friend Connie Mottshaw says “Admit that I failed” then I was truly able to embrace success and improve my quality of life. Like the man smoking and intentionally hurting himself – I think many of us in life choose to hurt ourselves with being mediocre and putting fear over what we know we are capable.
Talking Sales & Marketing (especially for Small Business Owners and Entrepreneurs) giving into fear is the worst thing you can do. By all means be intelligent, but you got to swallow your fear – take a stand, promote yourself hard and go for it! This has got me thinking and that “Poor Man” (but is he poor? who is making him smoke?) got me thinking about the direct opposite. Taking charge and being the person you are destined to be. With thanks to Connie Mottshaw for helping inspire this post, I hope you all have an amazing day.
Thank you from Edward Zia and have a great day or night wherever you are around the globe!
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