Success Women’s Network is a wonderful community of great women helping each other. As a Persian Man I love hanging out there! x x
I was incredibly honoured today to speak to a room of very beautiful women at Success Women’s Network Hills (Sydney). Under the leadership of my awesome friend Natalie Moutia – she some years ago created a very powerful Business Networking Concept just for women.
It is very culturally alike 4Networking (except obviously more women and a different structure) and it’s a very fun, light, dynamic and caring type of environment – WHERE PEOPLE MAKE MONEY!
When I started out in business networking, I was originally invited into another business networking concept which wasn’t my thing at all. It was all about referrals, turning up, no-one cared whether I lived or died – as long as I bring in business. In that environment, it was all about “Proving” you were better than everyone else and you are forever watching your seat – in case the leadership team decide to kick you out one day for whatever reason.
This really damaged my confidence and self-esteem – with the group only folding a few months after they brought me in. I couldn’t express this at the time, but this group was not “Community” based at all. It wasn’t about helping your friends and working as a team – it was about performing by yourself and that was it. It was completely “Competition” based and it was a destructive and painful environment to trade in.
4Networking came along and this was the start of many great changes. It was “Community” focused which is all about everyone doing the best to help each other. Shining the spotlight on Success Women’s Network of course which I consider quite similar in many ways, it’s a great team based environment which I love for these reasons:
1) Fun & Friendly: You can have a great time and enjoy yourself!
2) Profitable: I have picked up clients there and I am not even a member. Proof right there!
3) Well Attended: The Groups have a great vibe and great people with strong turnouts of people that truly want to be there.
4) Power of the Group: The Girls all support each other and if someone messes up, it’s not “You Suck” it’s “How Can I help?”
5) Extremely well run: Groups are well run with a strong / light structure to allow maximum impact with as little rules as possible.
6) Great Venues: Pretty places!
7) Beautiful women: As a Persian Man, I need to be surrounded by beautiful women at all times.
My thinking and advice? Success Women’s Network is a great environment and if you are like female – it’s a perfect place to join to grow your business, make friends, develop personally and open your mind to new things.
>> Visit their website right here to learn More!
Love your work, visit a meeting and awesome!
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