Cosmo! What are we going to do with you? Do you enjoy giving women eating disorders or what?
Cosmo Magazine do nothing but continually disgust myself, plenty of my colleagues and judging by their Facebook responses – quite a few members of the public agree with this type of position. Even though I am a straight man who right now is in really good physical shape, I have found some of their behaviour to really be sexist, anti-women and purely offensive.
It would only take me 25 seconds at the most of Google Research to prove that Women’s Self-Image is a massive issue in our society. From just making women feel bad to the other extreme of teenage girls with eating disorders – I think anyone agrees that the so called “Fashion” industry has a lot to answer for in this regard. A few days ago I came across a very disturbing post on Facebook about Cosmo saying a really fit and healthy looking woman was “Plus Size”. I wrote an article of it right here that generated a massive response of disgust at what appears to be a magazine purely driven by money that has little regard for public health.
Like all things, when I saw that post I went to their Facebook Page to find the article and couldn’t locate it. I suspect it was deleted, but what made things worse was that I found MORE articles of Cosmo yet again attacking curves and the “Normal Woman”.
You may think my heading and using the “Hatred” word is extreme, but is it? It may be – but you have to agree with me at some point, Cosmo have some kind of vendetta against the average woman and the big question I think is why?
Do I think Cosmo is naturally evil? It’s hard to say but what I think is a fair comment is that they are driven my money. Sure, as a Marketing Mentor who helps a lot of Small Business Owners I am the first to say go and make money – but it must be done in the right way.
Firstly, as a Marketer – I am going to take my “Disgust” and “Ethical Hat” off for the moment. Cosmo enjoy attacking women and I assume they are doing it for finanical means. What is the upside of this from their point of view?
– Create Controversy. If that is so, then I have walked into their trap as I am writing about them?
– Make women feel insecure – so they feel compelled to buy this magazine?
– They are writing for skinny women who hate large women?
– They are just following the zeitgeist of everyone else?
I think it may be a combination of them and what I find interesting is that this strategy I am sure worked very well before there was social media. In the old days, they can show whatever filth down the throats of the Public and we can only complain to each other.
If you look at the image included, you can see people retailing against their message. I really liked what I saw and it’s great people are holding Cosmo to account for their crimes against women’s self-esteem.
When I went through Facebook a few days later, I couldn’t find this post anymore – nor could I find any previous ones. I think Cosmo may be getting the message and even though they may have built their magazine on trashing women, they can’t get away with this sexist behaviour anymore.
And I think it’s great! As a Marketer especially, these big fat cat companies can be held to account for their crimes against Mr and Mrs Public. The fact that Cosmo are deleting them must mean they know we are onto them and the market probably is responding by buying less magazines.
The thing that surprises me are that people still buy their trash! I mean come on? I am not a woman and I am offended by their actions.
My advice? As a Marketer for Small Business Owners and Entrepreneurs I think it’s critical to build ones business with the right foundations and the right ethics from day one. Always think about who you are marketing too and approach them with a kind and respectful message.
Besides this being the right thing to do, it prevents any “Back-Lashes” later on and keeps you nice and safe. Sure, go after the bad guys and be expressive – but don’t attack your own market which it seems Cosmo like doing!
Thank you for the great read, Cosmo please learn your lesson and have fun from Edward Zia – Marketing Mentor and Man who loves the Normal Woman x x
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