The kind Sulochana Atla at work at our 4Networking Sydney CBD Meeting. She works hard for her clients and sells consistency – love her fine example!
I just crossed the 11,000 word count for my book and very happy! Slowly getting there and I hope you like this one Awesome Friends!
17. Consistent Sales & Marketing All the Time!!!
Time and time again this has been one of the greatest areas that has either spelt the “Rise” or “Fall” of any Small Business Owners. The super operators are always Selling & Marketing in one form or another. Be it they are Selling Face to Face, Business Networking, Running Online Webinars or whatever the case may be – there is some form on interaction with the market.
One awesome example of a consistent Operator is this fine female entrepreneur by the name of Sulochana Atla that I have been lucky to work with. She is a very kind and pleasant Indian Woman who have lived in Australia for years and is a very sharp operator. Her business by the name of “Nulosoft” is a Software Company specializing in CRM Software (“Customer Relationship Management”) for all types of businesses. The main way she is getting clients is through Business Networking and meeting interested parties for a “Live Demonstration” of her software. As she knows what she is doing (and the software is very powerful in its own right) she often gets a very high conversion rate.
Sulochana knows what she is doing and totally understands that to make outstanding money in her business that she needs to be selling all the time. To clarify as well, I don’t mean this has to be hard work or anything like that. It’s not so much the “Quantity” of Sales but more the “Consistency” of Selling.
Bringing it back to my original point, where a lot of people can go awry is that they sell when “They Feel Like It” and not as a regular part of their standard activity. This is the start of all trouble as quite often (especially when it comes to selling) we feel like anything but selling. So we that consistency is critical!
Be it you are putting Paid Posts on Facebook Linking to your products, hitting 3 x Networking Events Per Week it’s all important to keep consistent. This brings me to my next insight as per the example of Awesome Sulochana Atla:
Crazy Persian’s Small Business Marketing Tip #17:
“Always Be Selling. Yep. Always.”
Sure at the start of your business it may be tons of leg work, but as you get more seasoned, get better processes and get more automated you can have “Machines” doing the Sales & Marketing for you. Doing it yourself or not, just keep playing that consistent game at all times! You will be so much the better for it and your bank account will love you!
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