Awesome Self Belief starts with Us. I have found in reflection on this topic is that we always need to ‘Search’ for a reason to do it. The fact we search is the issue. Just believe you are awesome and do the right thing!
7150 words on the dot for my Small Business Marketing Tip Book now and loving it! This one makes me sound more like a “Life Coach” talking about abundance, spirituality, flowers, bunnies, kittens and all that great stuff. But it’s true! Cute kittens are awesome and so are you (as only “Good” people read my blog). So this one is dedicated to you from Edward Zia! Marketing Mentor with a mighty big stack of papers brewing!
9. Iron Belief in Your Own Awesomeness
Without sounding too much like a “Life Coach”, punching in the air and saying in a cheesy American Accent “Yeah, You can do it!” – I think this point is very easy to make and takes a long time to really practice and integrate into ones psychology.
I am not coming from so much of a “Happiness” perspective here, but more of a Small Business Marketing & Commercial Viewpoint. The reality is that in your own business and running around as an Entrepreneur it’s all on you and chances are that have to do lots of Selling!
Be it Face to Face or even if you are on Online Person, you will have Product / Service that you need to move. Personal and Online Selling are areas of their own expertise that must really be mastered and underpinning this what I like to coin as the “Iron Belief in your Own Awesomeness”.
(Me included in this remark!) – Many awesome people just downgrade themselves for no logical reason and look at them, their own skills, capability and ethics far lower than what they actually are. Sure you get the odd person that is the other way around (i.e. totally incompetent and thinks they are better than sliced bread) but this is fairly rare.
Most just think more negatively of themselves than they actually are and this is the source of many problems. If you don’t think as much of yourself, you tend to get screwed over more, you don’t stand up for your rights and it’s much harder to sell which often leads to a weaker Conversion Rate and nowhere near as many leads as you deserve.
In going through this process myself and really coming out on the other side, I can sum this up in one powerhouse tip.
Crazy Persian’s Small Business Marketing Tip #9:
“You don’t need a reason to back yourself. You just back yourself”.
I cannot make it any simpler than that. Sure, if you have been trashing yourself for years there may be voices in your head fighting you on this one but it’s time to start believing in yourself deep down and going for it.
Your Partner, Friends, Pets, Colleagues and your Bank Account will love you for it.
Trust me on this one! I am a Marketer!
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