Lala Wang rocks. A character of true abundance!
I am connected to a lot of incredible people on Facebook. As someone who uses Facebook for Business and loves it personally; I think I would log in at least 50 times a day to see what is going on and the word on the street.
Due to lots of blocking and removing old connections from myself (lol), my Facebook page is very inspiring and I love it. In all these experiences, one great person kept standing out time and time again.
Unlike the intentional provocative statements from me, sharing the greatness of Donald trump, how much I love Jesus and my eternal fear of United Airlines; I saw this great person share posts of great positivity and kindness.
So I became a fan! Liking, sharing and getting engaged into their world and have lots of respect for what they do.
I was lucky to finally meet up tonight with the awesome Lala Wang who has a great business doing high end ‘High Tea’ so to speak. After spending some great time with her at the Sofitel Wentworth in Sydney CBD; I spent lots of time with a very kind natured and great soul.
As I finished my evening and headed off to as I write this blog now; I feel quite optimistic and settled. It’s a combination of great people in a top location and it reminded me as to the importance of putting yourself around successful people in places of abundance (such as Lala at the Sofitel Wentworth).
Over the years I have moved on from people, found new great people, left old places and gone to new places and it’s just fantastic. I feel that my ‘abundance mindset’ is coming along nicely (although I have a long way to go) and I am getting in the zone.
Not due to my own ego or whatever, but the wonderful people and places I am surrounded by.
My advice and thinking? Change the places you go to and the people in your life to take things to the next level. It manifests in your own mind at a deep subconscious level and it slowly leads us towards a state of ongoing mental victory.
Lala, the Sofitel and say hitting the gym are great examples of the ‘right place’. A good litmus test to me is how you feel after interacting with someone. If it feels good, chances you are you heading the right way. The more of the right people, the better!
It’s got me thinking more!
Thanks for the read, love your work, thank you Lala and stay awesome!
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