Creating the Podcast with Zoran was fun, entertaining and a very profitable thing to do. Watch this space!
It was a great day today! It started off hitting the gym, answering emails, working with awesome clients and it ended in an opportunity to create some great content.
I have been lucky to work with and know Zoran and Sophie from Xcllusive Business Sales. They are one of Sydney’s top Business Brokers who I am lucky to work with and they have recently invested in a stack of equipment to make Podcasts.
In short, ‘Podcast’ is a very general term for audio or video in a series that is often subscribed too. In this case, Zoran is in the process of building his own Podcast channel giving business improvement strategies, concepts and ideas to listeners.
Why is he doing that?
His reasoning is identical to this blog you are reading or say the videos on my Facebook page – it’s about giving great ideas, value and information to help people, *which in turn promotes yourself*.
It’s been the basis on how I have built my business and something to this very moment I do with satisfaction, pride and success. In reflecting on this as I drove back through peak hour Sydney traffic back home, it got me thinking about the critical importance of content and what really matters.
Ultimately in our marketing, we are required to create content these days for any meaningful result. This can be tips, information about our products, or even ‘educational entertainment’ that hits the mark on on our target market.
To me, whether you do Facebook Videos, Podcasts as downloadable audio or even blogging is not as critical as the type of content you put out. I know people (including myself) who are successful in each of these areas and it’s ultimately the type of content they put out that gets results back in.
My advice and thinking? Think about what you are doing in your marketing and be generous with great information. I find you can never give away too much information as the more give you, the more you impress people and the more likely you are to get back.
It can be anything from the value of your own knowledge to that of what your products can do. All works and all helps!
Trust this simulated some thoughts, thank you Zoran & Sophie from Xcllusive, like and share + stay awesome friends!
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