Working with Martha Arifin over the years has been an absolute pleasure – a fantastic referral partnership!
If I reflect back and think of the of one of my best Marketing Strategies that I ever used, it was ‘Business Networking’. Early game it’s a great strategy and to this day I go to more speciality events rather than ‘networking events’ per se.
When one goes to networking events, I find it’s good to look for two types of people. One being obvious clients and the other being potential Business & Referral Partners.
For me, if I reflect back on this – I have got some great clients from business networking and also people I work with. Today, I get to work closely with a range of people including the awesome Martha Arifin from Trusted Web Expert.
I met her originally in the days I use to run many of the 4Networking Australia groups and today she is a core part of my business. I send her lots of website work and conversely – she sends me lots of great clients for Marketing & Mentoring work.
I have found that when it comes to referrals, it’s not so much ‘everyone knowing who you are’ (although that is helpful). It’s more finding the right person and aligning with them and sending each other lots of business.
Quite often you see logical combinations out there such as:
– Accountants / Financial Planners
– Graphic Designers / Printers
– Property Agents / Mortgage Brokers
– Marketing Consultants / Website Developers (such as Martha & I)
– Etc!
My advice and thinking on this one? Go out networking, meet new people and look for clients as well as potential referral partners. I have gone through a few in my time and it’s best to be the one to give referrals first.
Send other people business first and see what comes back. If it’s win / win and it’s great for everyone, keep growing it and let it take it’s natural course. You may find your “Martha” like I have and that is certainly well worth it.
Love your work, thanks for the read – and Stay Awesome!
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