Leveraged Marketing and Automation Rocks and I encourage all to go in that direction. Put it this way, once one gets a post out on Facebook – even if you fall asleep you get tons of exposure with no extra work. Love it!
I remember the day I first started out in business. I was excited, but boy was I also terrified! I recall going up massive highs and massive lows all the time. I would enter modes of “Yes, Life is Awesome and my Audi is coming” and then “Will I get any clients and pay my bills and not have go back to stupid work?”
As time passed I was very lucky to start proving Point 1) and Disproving Point 2) as my results increased and my hard-work translated into realistic success and dollars and cents in my bank account. Starting out, you have very little processes at all and I find most of ones work is running around like a lunatic trying to survive and get through what one needs too.
The good news is that as you get better, life starts rocking and then you get another problem – YOU GET TOO BUSY. This may sound odd if you aren’t in this position yet (but keep at it and you will understand me one day). If you are, you will get what I mean and know what it’s like to be just “Too Busy”.
What I have totally learned and am very lucky to have implemented in my business a good 8 to 12 months ago are “Automated & Leveraged Marketing” Systems and Strategies. That is, when I started out everything was doing it over and over again.
As I got more money and the business was rocking, I would always be investing in basically systems that either create more for my time that just exchanging “Time for Money” and also work for me 24 hours per day while I sleep. For example, going to a Networking Event yourself is great – but hardly a leveraged use of ones time. I still do it and love it, but now I use plenty of leveraged / automated means of contacting more and more people – my favourite ones are:
Email Marketing: Send to 1 and Send to 1000 – no extra work.
Facebook: $5 Paid Post to get seen by 1500 people? Awesome!
Referral Networks: Get my friends selling for me and referring me business.
Webinars / Events: I love these, a webinar with 40 people or up on stage speaking to 50!
+ More!
The point is that more and more of my time goes into work that gets more coverage and can work when I am not physically doing anything. In shifting more and more into these areas, it makes my life that bit easier each time. I get more leads with less chasing, the sales convert much easier and my bank account loves me much more.
My advice? Of course not everything you do is leveraged or automated but start working on this in your business. Every-time you create something new, it makes you that bit more powerful with no extra work. Love it!
And speaking of being Powerful, make sure you check out my Online Course “The Awesome Marketing Vault” – great stuff right here!
Thank you for the read great friends and keep up the fine work!
Edward Zia – Marketing Mentor and Man who LOVES Automated & Leveraged Marketing!
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