Answering questions fast in our latest Meetup HQ event rocked. People loved it and trusted us!
I get asked all the time about people wanting to speed up their Sales. This quite often isn’t so much getting more leads, but how to better handle those leads so they come in out winning outcomes.
When it comes to speaking to people one on one or in a workshop / seminar situation, my goal is to build trust and results quickly. I do that by cutting to the chase and giving value fast.
During any interaction we have with people, they are rightfully asking whether they can trust us or not. This can be in many senses from whether you know what you are talking about or say whether they can trust what you are saying.
In all these cases the best way is to cut TO THE CHASE and DELIVER VALUE fast. I really love doing this as quickly as possible in all interactions. People trust me fast, I get lots of sales and we get to work.
My advice and thinking? Give value quickly and help people right away. Be it they are active clients or clients to be, prove you can be trusted by answering people’s questions ASAP and getting into the issues.
I did this recently at our first Meetup HQ event in Sydney and it rocked. I was happy, there we happy and I even got some wonderful leads from great people.
Happy selling, cut to the chase fast; and of course, I love your work and stay awesome!
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