Outside the Australia Drug Detection Agency in Alexandria (Sydney) and their display of various testing devices. Amazing operation!
Some months ago I was busy helping out our team at our 4Networking Liverpool event in the South West of Sydney. I was on the front desk and a group of what I thought Australian Federal Police walked up the steps (who were undercover). I thought immediately “Uh Oh” – I am going to be recruited or they are coming to give us a shake down.
When I said hello, one of them very nicely said “Hi, my name is Bryce with the Drug Detection Agency”. It was quite a funny experience and in addition to the relief of not being interviewed by my old friends the AFP, we instantly nicknamed them “The DEA” (which standards for “The Drug Enforcement Agency” – basically the Drug Law Enforcement arm in the United States).
Since the time we have got to know the amazing team, Bryce, Steve Reynolds, Bobby, Rebecca and more – whenever one of them are at a networking event when they get up in a 40 second round and say “We do Drug Detection” there is usually a pause and you can feel the “Uh-Oh” of the room.
In being very lucky to work with them as well, it has felt like being at home for me again. Being surrounded by Ex-Law Enforcement has got me thinking back to my hey day and they run an amazing operation. Basically they have testing vans and they visit workplaces and help employers test their staff to keep everyone safe. Urine, Hair Testing and Saliva are some common tests and when you see behind the scenes they are purely amazing.
All their testing of course must be very precise as it can be used in forensic / legal matters and not too different to the Police Force, all the testing is carried out with strict process.
As I get to know more about this fine operation, I find it fascinating some of the stories that I hear. They have tested some workplaces with at least 20% of the workforce testing positive to some type of illegal drug. It basically means that 1 out of 5 are high on something or have been recently. Pushing a “Pen” so to speak is one thing, but I can only think of many cases where you have people driving vehicles or heavy machinery that may be under the influence of something they probably shouldn’t be. I am glad they are helping inform employers of what is going on and cleaning up the workplace!
Thank you from Edward Zia! Marketing Mentor who is very drug free!
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