Making your Meetup Group as enticing as possible is a great start. The way to go!
I am really chuffed at some great news that has come out from my wonderful friends at Meetup HQ. I’m very lucky and grateful to be one of their “Meetup City Organisers”.
It’s a volunteer role where I help educate other Meetup Group Leaders in Sydney, to get better at what they are doing. This is great in that it fits my brand of giving back to the community and getting me connected to more wonderful people around town.
As part of this, we now have our own “Meetup City Organiser Meetup’s”. These are part of Meetup HQ and groups that are customised for use in our city.
What I found cool (and THANK YOU EVERYONE) was how quickly my Meetup HQ Meetup group grew. It was a great feeling and awesome Sam from New York asked me how I did it. I wanted to share my top 7 x Secrets for building a Meetup Group Fast with you all and enjoy:
1) Make the Meetup Group look enticing: Even though it’s a Meetup HQ Group, I put in a great photo, left some nice comments and make it look alive.
2) Personal Invites: I personally invited wonderful people I know to join the event (at least 20 people in the group are). When I am running Meetups too, I am almost always personally inviting people. Works the best!
3) Hooked to your reputation: Your own personal reputation makes a massive difference. If you are all known and liked, lots will come. If you are new, it will take more lifting but push it hard.
4) Share it on LinkedIn & Facebook: For my Profitable Marketing Meetup Group, I use lots of Social Media to promote it. As you get more of the right people to go to the Meetup link, you get more bookings. More numbers the better!
5) Be active in other Meetup Groups: My clients and friends have their own Meetup groups and I am active in them. I even let them pitch their own Meetups in my Meetups. Powerful! You all expand and win more.
6) Start and Promote Early: The sooner you get your Meetup Group listed the better. Gives it more time to fill, be found and the like.
7) Do a wonderful job of your groups: Really go exceptional in what you deliver in terms of experience. That way you get great re-bookings.
My best compliment to a great Meetup is when people come back and bring their partners, family, friends, kids and more! I get lots of that.
My advice and thinking? All of us are different, with different reputations across our respective towns. That’s cool. Think about how you can get the edge. Out of all things though, DIRECT INVITES are the best! They work just great.
Any questions, I am here to help and a massive shout out too Sam, Marcie and the team from Meetup. I love their work.
>> Check out the Meetup HQ Sydney Group here
>> Check out my Profitable Marketing Meetup Group here
Love your work friends!
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