From Food, to Medical Equipment, to Premium Venues – there are lots of great events out there to meet people. Make sure you get there!
It’s 10:13AM on Sunday as I write this article and there are two Expo’s I am going too today.
It’s funny when you I look at events and their importance in my business. Even though I am a strong Facebook, LinkedIn and Email Marketing man – over the years, events and networking have been two of my key strategies for success.
I go to events today in quantity, however they are much higher quality events that I would have say attended five years ago.
The big thing I have learned with events is how hard it is sometimes to attend them all. Today is Sunday and there are two great expo’s that are a must attend and if I don’t go today – that is it till next year. About 2 weeks ago, I attended 5 x different events in combination with my other workload.
It was a lot of events, but the truth is that those events don’t come along very often – so I either attend them immediately or I miss out. In those events I have met new clients, made great new connections and you never know – I may have met someone else that gives me a big break that gets me on TV or something like you (you just don’t know).
What I do know is this, at times you will have tons of events going down. You are flat out! You have a 8 hour day already and there is an event. It’s hard. But guess what?
You must go to the event. If you don’t, the reality is that you will miss out on clients and growth of yourself and your own business. That is not good.
What is good is making yourself go to the events? You may be a bit tired, even a bit nervous – but that’s cool. You keep at it, meet lots of people and get results. I can promise that after you increase your revenue, you will be smiling more and eager to hit them.
(Also too, it’s great content for social media and Facebook).
Love your work, thanks for the read, share this article with those it can help and stay awesome!
2 Responses
Hi Edward,
I agree that events are one of the best ways to meet more people for business growth.
Most people would agree that we never know who is connected to who. I take your advice coming out of any networking or events with a few key contacts that we can further develop relationships.
Events are fantastic for expanding our network!
Thanks for sharing, Edward!
PS: I love your chef hat 🙂
Thank you Viola Tam the Business Mum! Appreciate your commentary and so true. I enjoyed your presentation at the Parramatta Chamber event too, you made lots of sense big time there.
Love your work and thanks for the support. Blogs are all happening.