Edward Wright is an expert and legend! He saved my PC and hours of pain!
It was only a few days ago where I was working away on my Windows 10 Touch Screen Desktop. It’s a few years old and like Windows does, it always sends through automatic updates.
Usually about once a week it will do a serious update of some form on all my devices and this was its regular cycle.
However, this time there was something different. As I would boot up my PC, I would get the dreaded Blue Screen of Death! It was the full episode too in that whenever I try and boot up my PC, within minutes I would get the forced reset of a Blue Screen.
I realised immediately that I better call my wonderful friend and IT Guy Edward Wright. Besides having a great first name, he was able to take care of my PC and get it going again!
If I tried, it probably would never have happened and if it did, it would have chewed up at least 10 hours of time. That would have been 10 hours out of my own business and it was a great move.
My advice and thinking? When something is out of your skill area, surrender fast and call in an expert. Don’t try and be a hero to do it yourself. Assuming you even succeed, you will burn lots of time and wind up a sad Panda.
I now have my PC back and it rocks! All because I surrendered to a wonderful expert.
Love your work friends and thank you Edward Wright! You rock.
P.S. Check out Edward’s Business, Wrighton Computer Services here!
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