Filling the ‘Profitable Marketing Forum’ Seminars has been a challenge, but well worth it. I have learned so much and want to share the findings with you all!
I have been marketing events from really the first few months of starting my business. From being second in charge and helping build 4Networking Australia from scratch, to running Free Business Networking Events, doing charity MC work and then eventually doing seminars and the like.
It’s most certainly been an awesome experience and lately lots of my focus and energy has gone into marketing ‘The Profitable Marketing Forums’.
These events have been great for my own and Martha Arifin’s business in terms of getting great exposure, helping people, getting great new clients (that exceeds the cost of the events – yay) and even more so – putting ourselves on the map as leading Marketing Mentors and people.
A lot of people ask me, one simple question which has a range of answers:
Edward, how do you fill your Seminars?
It’s a great question that really gets me thinking and in short, it’s lots of hard work! I am forever working at it and I’d love to share with you the Top Strategies I use in order to achieve this objective:
1) Physical Tickets & Meeting People: Even though I am an Online Guy, nothing beats old school technology. I love Physical Tickets, asking people them out.
2) Email Marketing: There is a simple link page where people can book in (www.profitablemarketingforum.com.au) – I like putting them in my weekly newsletters so people are continually reminded about it.
3) Facebook Advertising: This is quite a dominant platform for my business and it’s been just purely amazing for me. Be it simple Boosted Posts on my Facebook Page, right through to ‘Advanced Campaigns’, it all works incredibly well and I love it.
4) Partner Databases: Such as the awesome Kristy Smith (from Virtual Elves), she did a blast to her database which really helped me out. God bless her!
5) Blogging About it: There you go. I obviously don’t have to work too hard convincing you of this as you are reading this now x x
6) Asking People to Share it: I find the more I ask people to share my content, the more likely they are to do it! This has worked incredibly well and I so love it.
7) Getting on the Phone Keeping at it! It takes ages to fill a seminar (at least till I am as well known as Hugh Jackman lol), so it’s a continual effort of work and focus. I also ring up and ask people *I know* it’s perfect for so they can get into it.
My advice? All marketing takes work, but the more well known you get the easier it becomes. You are welcome to join our event too – so feel free to check it out here and get along!
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