Never stop chasing people. It just works!
I am very lucky, thankful to all you wonderful people and JC. The business has been incredible over the past 6 months with lots of initiatives and improvements all paying off. One key area of focus has been my actual ‘Sales’ lately.
That is not so much ‘Marketing’ in that I have attracted more high value clients & leads (although that is going very well), but more actually how I turn those leads into customers.
That is I would meet with people, add them to my database and my follow up would be very average to non-existent. So yes they would say get my database emails, but not get any actual proactive contact for me.
Since this has been improved I can look you straight in the eye and tell you that at least 15% of my year on year business growth has been due to the fact of great follow up. This has been in several respects:
- I meet a potential client, I immediately follow up on Social Media and with an email.
- If I say have a Discovery Session with a client to be, I have them in my system to stay connected.
- If I know someone is on the edge of hiring me, I am on the phone ASAP.
- I stay connected with great old clients and friends who reengage and refer to me.
Basically it’s lot of follow up on my end with new clients to be. This works great in that they know I am in the zone, they know I am serious and it actually creates a form of trust in how we work together. That is, if I am this active in helping them and wanting to work with them now; imagine if they actually paid me?
My advice and thinking friends? Follow Up. Follow Up. Follow Up. Chase up people! The serious people love it as they know you are serious.
In fact I have quite a few calls to make this morning (as I write this blog at 7:32AM).
Love your work, thank you for the read, hit that like & share and make sure you stay awesome.
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