Spending Friday Night with Edward is totally awesome I think LOL
It’s Friday night, 6:40PM, I am yet to feed the cat and instead of being out partying – I figured I would spend my time talking to you!
Yes, YOU! You awesome person you and my thoughts on Friday night have revolved quite heavily about building my business online. Over the past 2 years let say, I have really increased my Online Presence with my Blogging, Facebook Marketing, Email Marketing and all these great things I have been working on.
It’s been a very profitable very long road that I am so happy I embarked on. It’s been lots of hours, crazy adventures, starting at screens and it’s been a great part of my life that has been frustrating but equally rewarding.
As I sit here, my posts have reached 36,381 People just on Facebook over the past 7 days. I am blown away by that type of exposure and if you said to me two years ago I would been seen this much on Facebook every week, I just totally would have laughed at you!
For me, I have really worked hard as an Online Marketer and I feel it’s starting to come together now. Whenever I get leads, they really convert and it’s a total honour being in this position.
Upon reflection during Friday night, my take on building an Online Business is that it’s a massive decision for any business owner. Whether you pick say Networking, Free Events, Online or a combination of them – it’s a big change in direction for one’s life.
If you are interested in the Online Direction (as you must be if you are reading this article), I think it’s a great direction that if done properly is powerful and very profitable. In terms of what you may be thinking, my take on going this way is that:
– You love Computers!
– You can type quickly.
– You can write pretty well!
– You love being at home and resting up.
If that is you, then going Online may suit you. Be it just marketing yourself or in my case as well – pushing something like The Awesome Marketing Vault (by me) as an Online Course type of thing.
Love your thoughts, time to feed the cat and hit the town with my better half!
P.S. There was a shooting today outside Parramatta Police Station, maybe I may avoid there LOL
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