Getting More Awesome Profitable Clients Now – I enjoyed this Webinar with the recording available right here. It made me reflect on not only how I have helped hundreds, but how I got myself out of some pickles several times.
Just tonight I had my September 2014 Webinar “Getting More Awesome Profitable Clients NOW!”. In this Live Presentation, I was talking Small Business Sales & Marketing Ideas more from a “Time” viewpoint. That is, be it for Negative or Positive Reasons – at times in business we are up against it.
Negative reasons can be say you are starting up (been there), you have a big client leave you without warning (been there), you have a stack of clients leave you at once (been there) and for positive reasons such as a New Workshop or innovation (been there).
Part of proving my own worth as a Marketer and Business Person has been myself navigating those situations. I remember one time I had a big client move on quickly and my business was on the edge (just when I started out) and that was one hard situation! I replaced that massive client in about 6 weeks of heavy marketing and have helped hundreds of people one on one over the years kick butt with Awesome Small Business Marketing.
This Webinar Recording is quite important to me from several perspectives. Not just from sharing my own knowledge and helping you fine people, but also it was a chance for me to recall from painful memories, some awesome “Come-Back” wins and put things into perspective.
Thank you from Edward Zia – Marketing Mentor who loves helping others get Awesome Profitable Clients (NOW!).
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