Watching Ashton Kutcher in action with Lenovo was quite inspiring when he talked about the importance of risk and leadership. It provoked a lot of great thought in me and is quite relevant to Sales & Marketing Success!
What an upbeat post you may ask? I bet you are sitting there reading this article on your Phone, Tablet or PC thinking “Why did I even click to read this article?”
My inspiration for writing this article came from watching Ashton Kutcher speak at the launch of the Lenovo Pro 3 (a new Full-PC in a Tablet). He is their spokesman and as he spoke, he made some great points about taking risks and giving yourself permission to fail. In this inspirational keynote, Ashton continued to talk about how often he fails in life and why it’s been critical to his own success. Talking more to technology for the moment, he went onto leadership in that category and in playing it “Safe” leads to just “Me-Too” products whereas taking “Risk” and “Leading the way” creates new innovations this is awesome for everyone.
Bringing this back to more my own sandbox of Sales, Marketing and Entrepreneurship – it made me reflect on my own experience and the experiences that many of my awesomely successful clients have been through. In my own business, I have taken many risks which some have failed, but many have paid off. I think in my own way, I can take much bigger risks which is what I have started doing in terms of my investment, life decisions and also the angles I take in my own Marketing Focus.
Talking to many of the awesome people I work with and the advice I give to others – the simple reality is that it’s a competitive world out there and I like to ask this simple question:
– “If you do the same as everyone else, how can you expect to earn more money than them?”
It’s a very obvious question, yet a question that I think many (including myself one) don’t ask when it comes to their own Small Businesses. You can work as hard as you like (which is critical), however if you aren’t leading or taking “Risks” in one form or another – then chances are you won’t get as far as you like.
Sales & Marketing is very true! If you are putting say out there very “Meek & Mild” messages, it will be really hard to get any form of attention. But, as you come to be more direct, more bold, more different, more thought-provoking, more inspiring and more attention grabbing you can expect MORE Sales & Marketing Success.
My advice on this one? Listen to Ashton on this one, you got to take critical risks in your fine business to really get the traction you want and the results you totally love. Be it from the innovation of your product & service – right through to the message you send to market, it must be awesome and very noticeable!
Thank you for the read Awesome Friends!
Edward Zia – Marketing Mentor, Crazy Persian & Blogger
www.excellenceabove.com.au – Love you to check out my Online Course “The Awesome Marketing Vault” right here!
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