![And it's handy to get used to trains...](http://excellent1138.wpengine.com/wp-content/uploads/2017/05/And-its-handy-to-get-used-to-trains....jpg)
And it’s handy to get used to trains…
I have a lot of conversations with incredible people all the time. My friends are all successful people and if they aren’t ‘successful’ in the moment, it’s merely a temporary situation.
When I speak to successful people and not so successful people you really hear massive differences in the way they think. This can manifest in big statements right from too how they see their clients, to those little details which are quite profound.
I actually met with a new client to be today who (in protecting their identity) are living in the fringes of Greater Sydney. For their own success they are not surrounded by ideal clients which are in fact are mostly in Sydney CBD (and closer in).
I have spoken to many people in this position and I can summarise the successful vs unsuccessful mindset:
- ‘Unsuccessful Mindset’ – I don’t like travelling and want to keep it local.
- ‘Successful Mindset’ – I love travelling to high value clients.
I got the latter successful answer from the great meeting I had today and it got me thinking as to my own success. If I kept my business out in the Western Suburbs it would be about ½ the size it is today and my love for travelling, meeting great people and the CBD has allowed it to grow in many powerful incredible ways.
My advice and thinking? Go to the money! Go to the money!
As my business has grown it’s naturally pulled me ‘inwards’ to the CBD and that is great. I am letting it happen and driving it.
Love your work, GO TO THE MONEY and you stay awesome!
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