I cannot yet pick the difference between Australia and the UK. Boy I love it so far! Can’t wait till I hit London more!
Yes really. No difference! (So far!) One thing that I have completely noticed is that the UK and Australia are so similar. This may of course sound obvious being that we are natural ancestors of the UK – however, what amazes me is the massive distance of over 15,000+ kilometers between London and Sydney.
As part of my UK Trip I am very lucky to have been picked up by Stefan Thomas, the Network Director of 4Networking UK (the parent Group of the 4Networking Australia which I love). He picked me up at about 10PM at night from Heathrow Airport and we were heading up the M25 (I think). In some parts I zoned out and thought I was in Sydney, it took me a bit of time to think “Hang On Edward, you are basically on a different planet!”
What makes it even more funny I think is that Sydney is full of British People. Many I know were strangely enough “Economic Refugees” (never thought I would call the day when people are leaving the UK for Australia looking for work). The UK was hit very hard by the GFC leaving many British looking overseas for new opportunities.
This whole experience of my trip so far has got me thinking on many levels. Firstly, I have just come into London from Dubai (which is one amazing place and totally different to Australia) and then as I hit London – I can see where we as Aussies have come from!
Bringing it back to my patriotism and love for Australia, I feel somewhat energized in visiting the UK. I have always been “Pro-Queen” with my remarks always saying something extreme like “God Save the Queen”. I also fought for my country too and what amazes me is seeing where we have come from and our “Parent Society” so to speak. It’s not that different from what I can tell! Yes, this is my first night so I can’t wait to see how the rest of my trip plays out.
But as I sit here, is there much of a difference between the UK and Australia? I haven’t picked it yet.
So loving it and GOD SAVE THE QUEEN! (I so love saying that).
Edward Zia – Marketing Mentor and Man who loves England!
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