Joel Curtis the Psychologist – Great having him guest blog on the topic ‘It’s good to talk’. Very lucky we are!
I am very blessed to have the genuine, caring and gentle giant “Joel Curtis the Psychologist” write a great article for us once again.
I have always seen Joel as the “Normal Psychologist”. Although he is an exceptional character, I mean the “Normal” reference from the viewpoint of him being a realistic character that gives advice, support and help from a practical viewpoint. Google his name to learn more about him and lets get to his brilliant article:
It’s Good to Talk – By Joel Curtis:
In having worked as a Psychologist for over 15 years now (since 1999), I have found that it always takes a great deal of courage for someone to speak with me. Talking about our issues can always take a bit of encouragement at the start, but once people do it can lead to helpful changes.
When people first encounter a problem, many often start by talking to family or friends in an effort to find a “sympathetic” ear. This can be great in helping one open up, however what I find as a Psychologist is that speaking to family or friends is great but it won’t help solve problems. Complex issues require more than friends of family to help out in that regard.
As a Psychologist, speaking to myself *should* be easy, however it can be quite daunting for a range of reasons. Many have fears that they are labelled as “Crazy” and there is still a stigma in parts of society attached to speaking with a Psychologist.
From my own point of view, the reality & truth is that this is completely wrong. Firstly, people who have the courage to come in and talk with me I think are amazing people. They overcome their own fears and the process of working with me helps them develop their own sense of inner peace. By letting go of control and putting their trust in me, gives them a chance for me to do what I do by listening, hearing their thoughts and guiding them on a path of resolution.
Being open and honest with another human being can be liberating in itself and that feeling – priceless!
If you have a problem, big or small, I would encourage you to pick up the phone, make an appointment and come in and let me listen to you. It will change your life.
#talk2joel Joel Curtis
Edward Zia’s Post Remarks:
I think Joel’s advice speaks wonder for itself and in being someone who suffered for years from psychological trauma after my “Government Days” – I can only say I wish I met him years ago. Google the great man and I hope you enjoyed the read!
Thank you from Edward Zia – Marketing Mentor who loves Joel Curtis Guest Blogging!
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